
Auto show host Alexandra dreamt of owning supercars

'Supercar Blondie' was in the city last week and spoke about how her life changed after she baecame an 'automotive social media entertainer'.
Last Updated : 08 July 2019, 16:41 IST
Last Updated : 08 July 2019, 16:41 IST
Last Updated : 08 July 2019, 16:41 IST
Last Updated : 08 July 2019, 16:41 IST

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Alexandra Hirschi, popularly known as Supercar Blondie, has found her ground in a male-dominated world. She is the most followed automotive social media entertainer in the world. She had a whirlwind rise to fame after starting her automotive channels just two years ago. Alexandra says owning a supercar was a dream that she nurtured from her childhood.
She was recently brought down to Bengaluru by ITP Live, DND Media, Mercedes-AMG and Michelin Tyres. In a chat with Metrolife, Alexandra talks about what got her hooked to the world of supercars and more.

How did you develop an interest in cars?

I grew up in Australia. It is a very car-focused country and in order to get around, most people have cars. I grew up in a very small country town with about 3,000 people south of Brisbane and we had a property about a 12-hour drive away from there. The whole family would get in the car together and drive for about 12 hours straight in between properties quite regularly. So I grew up spending a lot of time in cars. When I went to Dubai, I started seeing beautiful luxury supercars every where on a daily basis, so my interests in cars grew. I always had the desire from a very young age of owning a luxury car one day. I saw so many more cars and slowly my interest in them kept growing and growing.

What goes into preparing for each show?

By show, I suppose you mean Youtube, Facebook or Instagram videos. These are very short. On Instagram, the videos are about 30 to 40 seconds long and on Facebook, they are a couple of minutes long and on Youtube, it is about 10 to 20 minutes. Even for a 30 to 40-second video on Instagram, it takes a couple of hours. It looks very simple, but there’s a strategy to it. You need to make things look very simple on Instagram and Facebook and easy and fun to watch.

The best thing about being the host...

First of all, I wouldn’t really say that I am host, because a host is hired by a corporation to present a television show but that’s not what happened here. I just created this role for myself. It’s my company.

One thing that I absolutely love about what I do is that I get to fly around the world that I otherwise may never get to see. Every time, I travel to another country, I get to meet the locals because of all the videos that I am filming, because of my contacts in the supercar world. One of the things that I enjoy about what I do is that I get to meet people that I would never meet again and experience countries that I would never get to experience.

What car is your favourite and what do you enjoy most about driving a car?

I have a few favourite cars and one among them is my Lamborghini Huracan, her name is Lucy. She looks aggressive and sounds incredible. I love the sound of the Huracan, she good to drive around and is not too difficult to handle. Another car that I love is the Koenigsegg Agera RS because it has so much power and the sound is incredible. It always has more power and more speed.

Published 21 May 2019, 12:48 IST

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