Bengaluru: The BBMP on Monday launched a house-to-house survey as a part of its annual activity to update the electoral roll. During the two-month long exercise, the BBMP aims to cover new houses as well as rationalize the polling booths etc. This is also an opportunity for residents who turn 18 to enroll.
BBMP’s chief commissioner Tushar Girinath said the survey will be concluded on October 18.
“We will publish the draft voter list the next day and the final electoral roll will be released on January 6, 2025.” During the survey, block level officers (BLOs) plan to visit houses where there are new eligible voters. “We will also delete the names of voters who have migrated elsewhere or have passed away.”
Girinath said the revision of electoral roll is not connected to the BBMP elections. “We have not received any directions from the state government so far. The revision exercise is a part of the election commission directions, which is being simultaneously held across the country.”
The revision of the electoral roll will cover all 28 assembly constituencies. The civic body has sought the help of political parties and booth-level agents (BLAs) to collaborate with BLOs to maximize voter inclusion.
Residents can also submit voter registration applications online through the Election Commission’s Voter Helpline Mobile Application (VHA) and Voter Services Portal.
Published 20 August 2024, 22:26 IST