
BDA looking to ease procedures for buying its flats

Last Updated : 04 September 2018, 20:37 IST
Last Updated : 04 September 2018, 20:37 IST

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To increase its revenues and speed up the sale of flats, the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) is now considering cutting down on tedious procedures in allotment of flats.

Despite introducing the "across the table" sale of flats in 2017, BDA has been able to sell only 1,300 flats. BDA claims to have learnt that while private builders are making profits from the sale of flats, BDA has been unable to even break even.

“Across-the-table sales were launched to cut down the allotment time. But it has not yielded the desired results. Hence, we are now looking at how the whole exercise can be streamlined. It normally takes an allottee one year to get the flat keys in his hand, after paying the initial deposit,” a senior BDA official admitted to DH.

The official also admitted that BDA's rules are a drawback. In the case of private builders, people purchase flats as an investment. But in the case of BDA, if one owns a BDA property, he cannot purchase a second one. BDA also accepts its failure in offering banking solutions and going online to reduce the physical movement of files. BDA has also failed to hire MBAs and designated officers to handle flat sales.

“Being a government body, there are many legal procedures which pose many hurdles. But private builders manage everything quickly. Their only delay is in the completion of the project, however, BDA offers ready-to-occupy flats,” the official said.


*Collect application form, visit authorised bank, pay 12.5% initial deposit and submit form

*Allotment letter is issued four days after submitting the receipt. The delay is because deputy secretary has to sign the letter

*Applicant is given six-months time to make full payment. This can be done in three installments or at one go

*Then applicant has to submit all vouchers to the flat section, along with payment details and covering letter

*Flat section then forwards the file to finance section for credit verification, which takes a month

*Finance section then asks engineering section to submit correct dimension report, which takes 2-7 days

*Date for registration is fixed, depending upon superintending engineer’s schedule. This takes one week to one month. Superintending engineer takes the file to the sub-registrar's office for Bhoomi verification

*Then applicant is then informed to collect the letter from the BDA

Published 04 September 2018, 16:30 IST

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