
Black beauty that's exquisite and rare

Last Updated : 24 April 2014, 14:51 IST
Last Updated : 24 April 2014, 14:51 IST

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It seems unusual to choose a piece of jewellery that will not gleam and glitter! Paradoxically, this is the reason why black diamonds are gaining popularity among Indians, known to flaunt their expensive gems.

Inherently white in nature, diamonds are also available in shades of black. 
Unknown to many, black diamonds are very real but don’t sparkle since they absorb light in contrast to their white counterparts which reflect the light. 

This is due to their polycrystalline structure, which simply put means it is like many diamonds tightly clustered together.  

Since they are all placed at different angles, a black diamond cannot be cut and crafted in order to make it sparkle.

The trend of opting for jewellery encrusted with black diamonds is new, as the “Indian consumer is in the process of gaining awareness on black diamonds. The rare and expensive black diamond still has fewer takers, as compared to the white diamond. But importantly, black never goes out of fashion, be it in jewellery or clothes. It is incredibly versatile and is considered the colour of sophistication and elegance. It is both edgy and timeless and suits the Indian skin tone,” informs Mira Gulati, founder and principal designer of Mirari which has some exquisite pieces of black diamond jewellery combined with other precious stones.

“Black diamonds make a striking contrast against white metals like silver, white gold,platinum, etc. as well as with lighter stones like white diamonds,” elucidates Mira, “In fact the combination of black and white diamonds have inspired many collections globally by some of the leading jewellery brands. I feel it adds a certain depth to the design of any 
jewellery piece.”

It is, however, the rarity of this gem that becomes its USP says Sulish Verma, MD and designer, Vikas Chain & Jewellery. 

“It is a rare diamond that lends a sense of exclusivity and gives a contemporary touch to the jewellery pieces.” 

Of course you would not want your exclusive jewellery to get damaged. Therefore, while wearing such pieces, “one needs to be careful that it does not get hit by any door, stone etc. as it may break into pieces. One should avoid wearing them at local events or public places,” advises Sulish, cautioning about the importance of maintaining your black diamond jewellery pieces with care. 

“They must be kept clean and stored carefully when they are not being worn. Use lukewarm water to clean the diamond but do not add any soap or chemicals as they may react to the diamonds and discolour it. There is a small vibrator available in the market which has crystal balls that help to clean the diamonds properly,” he adds discouraging use of perfumes while wearing jewellery.

These measures will help retain the sheen of black diamonds and let you flaunt it forever!

Published 24 April 2014, 14:50 IST

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