
Delicious and easy

Last Updated : 01 October 2009, 14:32 IST
Last Updated : 01 October 2009, 14:32 IST

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Nigella Bites invites the viewers into Nigella’s kitchen to learn how easy and effective a good meal can be. With step by step guides, from the exhausted mother’s teatime special to a favourite pudding of rhubarb and muscat wine jelly, each recipe is accompanied by practical tips and fuss-free principles. Temple food is Nigella’s name for what she eats when she needs to feel her body is a temple, but she doesn’t mean diets or miracle cures.

She means soothing, pure, restorative food that you optimistically make for yourself after one late night or a binge. So this week learn some more innovative and special recipes for your body and make it feel really special and cared for. The programme airs at 10 pm on October 2 on Discovery Travel and Living.

Published 01 October 2009, 14:32 IST

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