Bengaluru: In a dramatic turn of events, the state government on Tuesday re-appointed HR Shanthrajanna as the engineer member of the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) by transferring TD Nanjundappa who held the same position for about twenty days. The government reinstated Shanthrajanna on the orders of Deputy CM DK Shivakumar who wrote to CM Siddaramaiah about two weeks ago.
Sources close to Shanthrajanna said the government was informed about the Supreme Court order to not transfer any engineers or land acquisition officers involved in the formation of Dr K Shivaram Karanth Layout. The apex court has transferred all cases pertaining to the layout to the high court.
Sources said Shanthrajanna requested Shivakumar’s support to retain the post as he wanted to spend his last one and half years of service in completing the long-pending Bengaluru Business Corridor (BBC), elevated loop at Hebbal junction and complete Shivaram Karanth Layout.
Published 13 August 2024, 23:04 IST