
'I'm the new controversy king'

Last Updated : 12 May 2009, 13:18 IST
Last Updated : 12 May 2009, 13:18 IST

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Shivrajkumar is a star in his own right. He is ready to take risks, is frank as anyone can get and has earned every bit of respect and success in the industry. Now with him closing in on his 100th movie, the hat trick hero says that there are chances of it being made under his own banner. “Nothing is planned as yet, but I am planning on starting my own banner, so my 100th movie can be under my banner,” says he.
Currently, Shivrajkumar’s film Hat trick Hodi Maga is running in the theatres, where he has played the role of an angry, young man. Many think that this movie is based on rowdyism. However, Shivanna clarifies that it is just an action film, packed with emotions. “There is no rowdyism in the film. It mainly revolves around a mother, who struggles to get money so that her son can complete his studies and how the son accidentally gets involved between the two gangs.”
 The movie was also in news for the sudden change of title, from Hodi Maga to Hat trick Hodi Maga. Shivrajkumar comments, “We don’t really blame the Censor Board for asking us to change the title. But one must understand, that given the competition we are receiving from other industries, it would have been better if they had been a little liberal with us as well. The name does not instigate people to be violent as the title has many different meanings when used in different contexts. Nevertheless, we accepted the change and there is no point in cribbing now.”
 One look at some of his films released in the past and one can see that the movies, Shivrajkumar has been a part of, have come under scanner, be it Om, Jogi, Madesha and now Hat trick Hodi Maga.
“What can I say, I guess I am the new controversy king,” he laughs. The same movies have also had a lot of violence.
“Producers who approach me only offer movies that have violence. At the end of the day, movie-making is all about money and these days, the subject of rowdyism ensures success and money. But it is not that I only do violent movies. I have also done family-oriented films and love stories.”
 But does a machchu in hand spell success? “A machchu in hand does not ensure success. The strength of the story decides how long the film will run. I am soon going to do another movie called Bhagyada Balegaara and a love story called Cheluve Ninna Nodalu. People can see a different Shivrajkumar in that,” he explains.  
 For a long time now Shivanna has had a dream of directing a movie but for some reason or the other he has been postponing it.
“Producers are not allowing me to direct. They love me as a hero and every time I think of direction they pull me back into acting. Maybe when my fans feel that they have had enough of me on screen I will try my hand in direction.”
Can his fans really get tired of him? “I am a realist. I know I am not going to be here forever, so I am open for everything,” he concludes.

Published 12 May 2009, 13:10 IST

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