
Interesting concepts woo shoppers

Flea Market
Last Updated : 16 January 2014, 12:25 IST
Last Updated : 16 January 2014, 12:25 IST

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A plethora of colours and creative items welcomed Bangaloreans to ‘Flea 080’, which was held at the Chitrakala Parishath recently. The flea market gave small-scale entrepreneurs and those creatively inclined the perfect opportunity to showcase their skills and get noticed.

More than 80 stalls dotted Chitrakala Parishath grounds and different groups and individuals showcased unique products like handmade purses, dresses, designer cakes, cup cakes, candles etc. The performances at the flea market added variety to the exhibition. An experimental music group called ‘Mind Map’, which performed with unique instruments, a fire dance by the group ‘Agni’ and an LED show by an artiste mesmerised the audience.

The visitors had the luxury to shop while enjoying the performances. Members of an NGO group had put up handmade jewellery made with brocade and silk. Deepali, one of the members of the NGO, explained that the jewellery were made by the rural women. “We have complete sets as well as earrings and neck-pieces,” she informed.

Many others like Pooja and Shweta exhibited handmade products made by them. Colourful pouches, pencil bags, fridge magnets, diaries, key rings, wallets etc, attracted many people towards their stall. 

Youngsters were seen selling clothes designed by them. Different fabrics, cuts and designs were combined and made into top, tunics and kurtis, which were sold at attractive prices. Pooja, a professional, had put up a nail art stall, where visitors got their nails styled.

People were also having a ball at the market trying out different dresses and kurtas. Vineeth, a visitor, said that the products exhibited in the market were so creative that one was only happy to spend for them. 

“One look at the exhibits and you know that it will not be available anywhere else. I ended up buying a lot of things. I noticed that a lot of youngsters and young professionals had put their stalls and were selling unique items,” he noted.

Many visitors like Nishanth, who had come with his family, felt that the concept of introducing music and dance to an exhibition is unique. “It is a great idea and gives visitors the opportunity to relax and enjoy the evening with their family,” he said.

Published 16 January 2014, 12:25 IST

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