
Interpreting an idea differently

Expressive performances
Last Updated : 28 October 2010, 10:42 IST

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Raadha Kalpa is dedicated to the promotion of art and culture through performance, teaching, artistic collaboration, experimentation in the modern context and preservation of classical traditional ideals. This year, it will be holding a dance and collaborative arts festival with a purpose to collaborate dance with other artistic media thus bringing in an experimental and parallel view to the presentation of dance.

The festival will see painters, musicians, puppeteers, mime artists, actors, singers, poets, film-makers, designers and craftsmen working on the same theme in both Indian traditional classical as well as contemporary context. The theme for this year’s festival is Raadha and will see the artists interpreting the idea or concept of the traditional Indian character of Raadha in several different performances.

The traditional context will have the Krishnavatara of Munshi and the Geetagovindam to tell the story of the character while the contemporary context will explore the idea of search for oneself in the urban society.

The modern and experimental work utilises this theme and uses poetry, theatre, movement etc to create visual representations of various perspectives of the same idea. The festival will have three main stage performances, which are Raadha, a Bharatanatyam performance; And Raada Too, a modern interpretative performance of the concept of Raadha and Raadha Rani; a Bharatanatyam ensemble piece that is an abstract representation of the various aspects of Raadha’s character as a woman.

The other performances will be Kanhaaa, a modern piece; Trouvaille, a piece about finding oneself; Catch, a piece on the playful nature of Radhaa and Krishna’s friendship, storytelling and mime session. The performances will have Bharatanatyam pieces, both abstract and concept-based, modern dance pieces, site-specific modern dance work, contact improvisation done with a painter and musician, dance work based on
poetry, story and traditional mime with folk dance among others.

The festival will also have a series of workshops on modern dance, pilates, kalari and doll making at various locations and there will also be a constant involvement of designers, photographers and painters who will present their work based on a similar theme.

The two weeks will also have other collaborative works by the company and the students. For details, call 9731261359.

Published 28 October 2010, 10:42 IST

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