Bengaluru: Police have arrested four members of a Tamil Nadu-based gang who, on August 22, broke windows of cars parked on Indiranagar 100 Feet Road and stole laptops.
The Indiranagar police identified the suspects as Senthil, 50; Murali and Murthy, both 35; and John, 40. All are residents of Ramji Nagar in Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu. The Ramji Nagar gang is known for breaking into cars and taking away valuables.
According to the police, Senthil, Murali and Murthy broke the windows of cars parked in residential areas and stole laptops. They used to visit the city to steal and would go back to give the loot to John, who disposed of the stolen goods and collected the money.
"They used to target vehicles parked in dark spots. One of them would flash a light inside the cars to check for valuables. Once their presence is confirmed, they would shatter the glass using sharp objects and flee with the stolen valuables,” an investigator said.
This is not the first time the trio has been caught.
The Indiranagar police had arrested the suspects in August, but they came out on bail and were again involved in crimes.
A victim took to X to share CCTV footage of the gang stealing a laptop from his car. The video had gone viral on social media, prompting the police to act on it.
Published 01 September 2024, 21:10 IST