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College Website
Last Updated : 25 January 2012, 19:05 IST
Last Updated : 25 January 2012, 19:05 IST

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Do you want to know about the events happening at R V College of Engineering? Do you want to know about the exact fee structure and admission process there? Here is a website which caters to all your needs.

www.rvceupdates.com, the website created by Prateek B S and Vivek P N, second year students of Electronics and Communication, has on it everything related to RVCE and the student life in the campus. The website was created in August 2011 and within a short span of time, it gained popularity among the students.

“Writing has always been a passion for both of us. We used to blog regularly. Five months back, we decided to come together and publish a blog on the happenings in our college, which has now evolved into this website,” informs Prateek, the brain behind this venture. 

“A lot of events that occur in the campus go unnoticed by the students. Usually events are publicised on noticeboards on the 53-acre campus. It is difficult to keep track of all of them. As students tend to spend a lot of time on the internet these days, we thought of developing a website which acts as a single digital notice-board,” adds Vivek. He informs that faculty members and parents were very supportive of their idea.

Initially, the website was restricted to college fests, seminars, workshops and the activities conducted by various clubs in the college. Now, it encompasses everything that grabs the attention of an engineering student. They have created the website on KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) philosophy and believe that the content they provide is what draws people to the site, not the aesthetic aspects.

Ashish, a third year Computer Science student, says that the website is of great help. “Earlier, we used to make several visits to the notice board and jot down important things like exam time-table, fees structure, etc.

Now, these students have made our job easier by posting everything on this portal. It is more informative as it has every detail about upcoming events, fests, conferences, workshops, competitions, exams and other information about the college. I made it a habit to visit the website everyday,” he says.

Now, the website has crossed 35,000 hits of which 10 per cent is from alumni who have settled abroad. “On an average day, we get about 400 hits and our facebook fan page has got more than 750 likes,” informs Prateek.

“Initially, we had to go out and call up the coordinators for information regarding their activities. As the website is pretty popular now, they directly approach us. We have a ‘Dropbox’ on the site, where anyone who has news pertaining to any activity on campus can send information in a single click. We do a basic background check and publish it,” he adds. “Inspired by our website, other colleges too want to create their own websites. Some colleges even approached us for guidance, suggestion and technical assistance,” says Vivek proudly.

With two of them doing all the work, it has become difficult for them to juggle between academics and their passion. Fortunately, they have found helping hands. “A friend has come forward to create an Android application for the website. Another has volunteered to scan notes written by the best students and upload it online,” includes Prateek.

The duo has plans to share experiences of intern students and interview alumni who have succeeded in their lives. Soon the site will have ‘Life@RVCE’ section where others can get a feel of the college life. They are also planning to recruit campus reporters so that they can carry this venture forward.

Published 25 January 2012, 13:31 IST

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