Bengaluru: The Central Crime Branch (CCB) has approached a court requesting to transfer at least 20 rowdies from prison outside Bengaluru, a well-placed source told DH. According to the source, police have sought to transfer Wilson Garden Naga and Ittamadu Sagar among other prisoners.
Last month, DH reported that the Bengaluru police are invoking the harshest law in the statute book, the Karnataka Control of Organised Crime Act (KCOCA), to crack down on gangsters. Police had invoked KCOCA on as many as 96 people.
B Dayananda, Bengaluru Police Commissioner, stated that the force made a deliberate decision to utilise all legal means to control rowdy activities in the city. However, this seems not enough.
A senior CCB officer told DH that they were observing some developments in the city triggered by rowdy sheeters lodged in prison. Moreover, many of them were placed in the same barracks.
“It is very likely that they plan their criminal activities while in prison and give orders to their aides who are outside. Hence, we have asked for a change of prison,” said the officer.
Published 16 August 2024, 23:26 IST