
Thousands throng abode of St Mary

Last Updated : 08 September 2011, 19:16 IST
Last Updated : 08 September 2011, 19:16 IST

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In line with the grand tradition, thousands, including children and youth, thronged the area with many an eatery making a killing even as the Central Street leading to the Shivajinagar from the Anil Kumble Circle remained deserted with the crowd restricting itself to the vicinity of the chariot.

A sea of humanity clad in saffron clothes took the few motorists trying to navigate on the streets of Shivajinagar by surprise as commuting there was out of bounds.

The birth of Mother Mary, observed as one of the most important festivals saw thousands attending to witness the chariot procession after the holy mass was offered in different languages.

Jacintha Mathews, a regular at the feast, said: “We moved here about eight years ago after my husband was transferred and I haven’t missed a single feast. In fact, this is the only religious gathering my children do not complain about.” Joyful faces greeting each other endorsed Jacintha’s sentiments.

Traffic was thrown out of gear near Basilica Church at Shivajinagar with hundreds of vehicles stranded in the crowd. Crowd and traffic jams are not unusual during the St Mary’s Feast, an annual ritual which the people of Bangalore participate with great reverence.  But what added to the chaos was the sudden downpour in the evening.
However, rain could not dampen the spirit of those attending the St Mary’s Feast.

The impact of the enormous crowd in and around the church was seen on the ever busy M G Road too, where there was a pile-up of vehicles.

The cops had a tough time   clearing the traffic jam. The poor traffic scenario continued for nearly five hours, till the car procession was over.

Published 08 September 2011, 19:16 IST

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