
Tribute to Ustad Amir Khan

Last Updated : 16 August 2012, 15:15 IST
Last Updated : 16 August 2012, 15:15 IST

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Delhi celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of Ustad Amir Khan on August 15 at the India Islamic Cultural Centre. Ustad Amir Khan was a well-known Hindustani classical vocalist and even today considered one of the most influential figures in the genre. He is also the founder of Indore gharana.

The event was organised by the Pt. Amarnath Memorial Foundation and it’s chairperson Bindu Chawla.  She began the evening’s celebration with her recital with a memorable Anandi which Ustad Amir Khan had made popular.

This was followed by two bandishes in raag Shree composed by her father Pt. Amarnath. She also sang a stunning nirgunia bhajan composed him. Shahbaz Khan, Ustad Amir Khan’s son who was here for the festival from Mumbai  mentioned that he was delighted to have come all the way to “see my father”.

It feels so good to see the doyen of Indore gharana being remembered so ardently by his well-wishers and admirers even 37 years after his passing away.” After the vocal recital by Bindu, Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt took the stage to deliver the Mohan Veena recital, accompanied by Sudhir Pandey on the tabla.

He played a lot of monsoon raags like Miya Malhar; Ramdasi Malhar; Gaud Malhar and Des Malhar.  His recital also included raag Hamsadhwani which was made popular by Ustad Amir Khan himself.

After the recital, Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt spoke about the immense contribution that Ustad Amir Khan has made for successive generations of musicians.

“The entire community of musicians, vocalists and instrumentalists follow the Ustad. He is a guru for so many of us. We have learnt so much from his compositions and they are still so largely remembered and followed.”

Published 16 August 2012, 15:15 IST

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