
The winners took it all...

Last Updated : 04 February 2014, 15:14 IST
Last Updated : 04 February 2014, 15:14 IST

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St Joseph’s College of Business Administration held its elections recently. Over a 100 students voted and two student leaders were chosen as the winners.

A week before the elections, the students to filed in their nominations for which, they had to seconded by ten people and have a cumulative gross point average (CGPA) of 5.67 per cent (equivalent to 60 per cent).

   In the end, there were three nominations and campaigning happened in full swing as students went from class to class to promote themselves. On the day of the election, post the speeches, the students voted for their desired candidate. It was a paper ballet as opposed to an electronic one.

From the three students who stood for the elections, Roger and Bhagyashree from the third trimester PGDM emerged as the winners. So while Bhagyashree will be playing the role of the student council coordinator for fests, Roger will be the
coordinator for the student activities

The two students were ecstatic at the win. Said Bhagyashree, “We will officially start our duties from June 1. However, we wanted to get a feel of everything now itself and hence, are actively organising a number of events. For instance, on February 8, we have a debate competition for all colleges of the City. Later in the year, we will our intra-college fest ‘Pinnacle’ and a paper presentation. Our grand event of the year would ‘Verve’, the inter-college fest.” Bhagyashree is probably the first girl coordinator in the college. “Everyone always used to say that no girl has been the coordinator. I feel proud to have broken the norm,” she added.

Roger, the student coordinator for college activities, has a lot of plans in store. “I was quite lucky as I was unanimously elected. When I filed in my nomination, the rest of the contenders backed out,” he laughed.

The election was not only a great experience for the students, but an enlightening one as well. With the general elections around the corner, these youngsters rue that they learnt a lot.

 Bhavish, the current student coordinator from the second year, said, “There were many, who were confused and voted for two people. Such a confusion happens even at the general elections and we end up voting for the wrong people. We all must keep in mind that we just cannot be diplomatic when it comes to choosing any leader, be it our college or the country.”

Published 04 February 2014, 15:14 IST

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