
Clocking a Viceroy's visit

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Last Updated : 21 October 2013, 16:03 IST
Last Updated : 21 October 2013, 16:03 IST

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Built on a raised platform, a rectangular structure with a small clock tower is the commonly known Chikka Gadiyara, located at the north entrance of Mysore’s prominent landmark Devaraja Market.

The Chikka Gadiyara is the historic Dufferin Clock Tower named after Lord Dufferin, the fifth Viceroy of British India.

Lord Dufferin was the first Viceroy who paid a friendly State visit to princely Mysore State on the invitation of Maharaja Chamaraja Wodeyar X. To commemorate the ceremonial visit of the British Viceroy to Mysore, a clock tower,  was built here in 1886.

 The 127-year-old Dufferin Clock Tower is said to be the oldest surviving clock tower in Mysore. The famed British diplomat (who served as Ambassador to Russia, France, Italy and Turkey) and who was the Governor General of Canada from 1872 to 1878, Lord Dufferin was the under secretary of state for India in 1864 and twenty years later he became the Viceroy – Governor General of India (1884-1888).

During his Viceroyalty, Lord Duffein is known to have established a sophisticated army unit consisting of Indian army officers. The army unit was called the Imperial Service Corps. Also, during his tenure the Indian National Congress was founded in the year 1885.

The area has been developed by the Mysore City Corporation as a “social gathering place” where visitors could expect to get the right feel, space and environment just a few minutes walk from the Ambavilas and Jaganmohan palaces.

Published 21 October 2013, 16:03 IST

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