In a major crackdown on the gambling dens in Dharwad district, police led by Superintendent of Police P Krishnakant conducted raids at 18 places, including Ramya Residency and Preethi Residency on Saturday night and arrested 126 persons on charges of gambling.
The police have also recovered Rs 56 lakh, 40 vehicles, and 65 cellphones from the accused persons.
Police, who conducted the raids based on a definite tip-off, arrested political leaders, including Ismail Tamatagar, Thavanappa Astagi, hotelier Mahesh Shetty, casino king Samundar Sing and others.
Speaking to a section of media persons, IGP (Northern Range) Raghavendra Suhas said, the police team raided Ramya Residency and other places and recovered Rs 56 lakh, 40 vehicles, and 65 cellphone sets.
He said, the raids were following a tip-off that the people were playing three-cards and ‘Andar-bahar’ which amount to gambling. Ironically, four constables were also found gambling during the raid near Mummigatti and according to sources, the SP has suspended them pending an enquiry.
The suspended are Manjunath Bagavi, Atmanand Betageri of Garag Police Station, Ismail Sayyednavar of Rural police station, and Moiuddin Mulla of District Armed Reserve, Dharwad.
Speaking to media persons, Tamatagar said: “It is true that I along with Thavanappa and Congress leader Deepak Chinchore had been to Ramya Residency on Saturday night. The hotel owner had invited us for the pooja at the hotel, and we were having food when the police raided. However, I was not part of the gambling and have no connection with it,” he said, and added that if the police include his name in the case, he would take the legal course.
Astagi said, Ramya Residency is an authorised club and playing cards is legal here. There is a police conspiracy here, he said. A case has been registered at Rural police station.