Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah on Monday announced that he had directed the Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) to reconduct the Gazetted Probationers' examination, in light of reports emerging that there were 'inappropriate Kannada translations of questions'.
Taking to X, the Congress leader added that exams would be held within two months, to ensure fairness to all candidates.
He also added that those responsible for the lapses have been relieved of their duties.
"The upcoming examination will be conducted with the utmost responsibility and accountability following all due diligence," the CM promised, adding "We remain committed to upholding the integrity of our recruitment processes."
There have been allegations of "poor and erroneous" translation from English to Kannada, in the question papers of preliminary examination conducted on August 27 for filling 350 gazetted probationary officer posts in the State, which had led to confusion among Kannada-medium students.
(With PTI inputs)
Published 02 September 2024, 07:18 IST