
Legislator criticised for skipping meeting

Last Updated : 05 April 2012, 18:28 IST
Last Updated : 05 April 2012, 18:28 IST

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Dalit leaders have criticised legislator Amaresh for failing to attend the atrocity meeting at Dr B R Ambedkar Bhavan in the town on Wednesday.

The meeting was called to discuss the birth anniversaries of Dr B R Ambedkar, Babu Jagjivanram and the problems faced by the dalits in the taluk.

Hour-long wait

The meeting started at 11 am. All the taluk-level officers were present at Ambedkar Bhavan for the meeting.

When the legislator didn’t turn up even after an hour, this angered the dalit leaders, who boycotted the meeting.

Gollahalli Venkatesh, one of the leaders present at the meeting on Wednesday said, “Amaresh himself belongs to a dalit family. He had been elected from a reserved constituency. But he has still failed to respond to the problems of fellow dalits.”

Dalit leaders Sangasandra Vijay Kumar, Keeluhollali Satish, Cholanagunti Chalapati, Narayanappa, Muniyappa, Shekhar, Byrkuru Shashi and others were present on the occasion.

Published 05 April 2012, 18:28 IST

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