New Delhi: Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers Anupriya Patel on Friday said that about 55 per cent work of a new plastic park in Mangaluru has been completed and the delay in completion of some activities is due to litigation pertaining to the land.
A plastic park in Ganjimutt, Mangaluru with a total cost of Rs 62.78 crore was approved in January 2022, the Minister said in her written answer in Lok Sabha.
The central government's share was Rs 31.38 crore in the project, which is to be completed in five years from the date of final approval.
The minister said as per the information received from the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB), 55 per cent of the work in the project has been completed.
"KIADB has informed that there has been a delay in the completion of some activities of the project due to litigation issues pertaining to 9.33 acre of land," she said.
However, the project is within the approved time limit, she said, adding that there is no cost escalation in the project.
Published 09 August 2024, 14:28 IST