The Mysuru police have been cracking down on the black marketers of Remdesivir, as its demand is increasing over the past few days, following a surge in Covid-19 cases. The police, under limits of three police stations of Mysuru city, have busted three separate gangs that were selling Remdesivir drugs for Covid-19 patients in the black market and arrested a total of seven nurses, on Wednesday.
The arrested nurses under Krishnaraja Police Station are: G Suresh, son of Gurusiddashetty, a native of Uppinamole in Yalandur taluk of Chamarajanagar district, and an employee of Kamakshi Hospital in JP Nagar; D M Raghavendra, son of Mahadevu, a native of Deganahalli in KR Nagar taluk, and an employee of Institute of Nephro and Neuro Sciences, KR Hospital; and Ashok, son of Ramegowda, a native of Ramanakoppalu in Arkalgud taluk of Hassan district and an employee of KR Hospital.
Suresh used to steal Remdesivir vials from Kamakshi Hospital, instead of administering them to the patients, and give them to Raghavendra and Ashok, who would sell them to needy patients for higher price. Krishnaraja police recovered four Covefor (Remedesivir injection 100 mg/20 ml), injections and Rs 7,000 in cash from the accused.
The nurses arrested under Narasihmaraja police station are: K Rakesh, son of Kumar, a native of Kodanahalli in Mysuru taluk; and D V Mallesh, son of Basavaraju, a native of Doora in Mysuru taluk; both employees of Girish Chandra Multi-Speciality Hospital in Vishweshwara Nagar, Vidyaranyapuram.
Rakesh and Mallesh had stolen six Remedesivir vials, supposed to be administered to patients, and have sold them in the black market for higher price.
The arrested under the VV Puram police station are: David Innos, son of Robert, a resident of 1st Main, Near Church, STF Circle; and Ajay, son of Shankaregowda, a native of Agasanahundi Colony in HD Kote taluk; both employees of Chandrodaya Eye General Hospital on KRS Road, Gokulam. David and Ajay had stolen Remdesivir vials, supposed to be administered to patients, and have sold them in the black market for higher price. Two vials have been recovered from them.
CCB Inspectors R Jagadish and R Shekar, under the guidance of CCB ACP C K Ashwatha Narayana and DCPs A N Prakash Gowda and M S Geetha Prasanna, conducted the raids and busted the cases.