
Re-introduction of lottery is my personal idea: Minister

I have not yet discussed the matter with Chief Minister
Last Updated : 29 June 2009, 18:25 IST
Last Updated : 29 June 2009, 18:25 IST

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Talking to reporters after visiting Dubare tribal colony near here on Monday, he said illegal lottery business is rampant in the border areas after it was banned in the State. “So far, 49 illegal lottery sale cases have been registered in the State. In this backdrop, I have personally contemplating over introducing lottery in State again,” he said. When asked whether introducing lottery is not against to the BJP manifesto, the minister said: “This is my personal idea. I have not discussed it with the Chief Minister yet. Just contemplating over the issue need not mean that the lottery is being started again,” he retorted.

When asked whether the Reddy brothers of Bellary have pressurised the Chief Minister to give him (Nayak) the post of the district-in-charge minister, Nayak said he is unaware of the matter. “I am not told what my leaders Janardana Reddy and Sriramulu have discussed with the CM. Even the CM is also my leader. I have already been given two-three responsibilities. I will handle them with responsibility and sincerety,” he said.

To a question whether he is ready to be the in-charge minister of any district, Nayak just said: “I’m ready to handle whatever responsibility assigned to me by the Chief Minister.”

When sought for his reaction on the absence of Bellary ministers from the meeting called by the CM, Nayak said: “All these are media hype. There may be 20 per cent confusion, but the rest 80 per cent is the creation of media.”

Published 29 June 2009, 18:25 IST

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