
Vastrad gets new posting

Last Updated : 30 November 2012, 18:24 IST
Last Updated : 30 November 2012, 18:24 IST

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 Controversial IAS officer P S Vastrad, who was recently shunted out from Mysore to Chamarajanagar, has been rehabilitated by the government.

Vastrad has now been posted as Additional Director, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs department, Bangalore.

Following allegations that he had tried to pass off 2,000 acres of prime government land at the foothills of Chamundi Hills in Mysore as private land, there was a demand for action to be initiated against him. After much delay, the government had effected the transfer on November 24.

In his place, IAS officer N Jayaram had been posted as Mysore deputy commissioner. However, with this latest re-shuffle, Mysore is now left with out a deputy commissioner, as Jayaram has been sent back to head Chamarajanagar district.

 IAS officer B H Anilkumar has been posted as Principal Secretary.

Published 30 November 2012, 18:24 IST

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