Gundlupet, Chamarajanagar: The Forest Department officials rescued a wild elephant that had got stuck in the railway barricade fence at Mavinahalli, Maddur range, under the Bandipur Tiger Reserve, in Gundlupet taluk, Chamarajanagar district.
Two wild jumbos tried to come out of the forest by passing through the railway barricade on Sunday, when one of them got stuck.
Learning about the incident, Maddur range forest officer Puneeth and his team acted swiftly, loosened the screws of the barricade and rescued the 45-year-old jumbo, within half an hour.
Speaking to media people, Puneeth said that the elephant had got stuck while crossing the barricade. The department personnel reached the spot immediately with necessary equipment and rescued it.
The elephant did not suffer any injuries, and the department is monitoring its health, he said.
Published 02 September 2024, 07:34 IST