NCPCR has summoned Twitter India's communications director to appear before it on May 18 for not submitting an action taken report against stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra after he had posted a doctored video of a minor singing a patriotic song.
22:1317 May 2022
Mohali, Punjab | We've started a 'Morcha' like Delhi and will continue until our various demands are met including giving a bonus for wheat which CM had agreed on earlier. MSP should be announced for other crops if govt wants that we don't sow rice: Jagji
19:3117 May 2022
Home Minister Amit Shah directs security forces to conduct coordinated counter-terrorism operations pro-actively in Jammu and Kashmir
19:3017 May 2022
On Thursday, (May 19th) President Biden will welcome Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of Sweden and President Sauli Niinistö of Finland to the White House. The leaders will discuss Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO applications and European security
19:2917 May 2022
Delhi records 393 new Covid cases, two more deaths; positivity rate at 3.35%