The Madhya Pradesh High Court today asked the Centre to clarify whether Kangana Ranaut's movie Emergency has yet been certified or not.
The court also issued a notice on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) alleging that the movie portrayed the Sikh community in a bad light.
Justice Sachdeva, while hearing the matter, said "Sometimes the trailer does not portray the actual position ... On the contrary, During the COVID-19 lockdown in Delhi and world over, Sikh community was at the forefront of helping people", Bar and Bench reported.
Four days ahead of the release of the movie, Ranaut, the BJP MP from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi, has accused the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) of stalling its certificate to delay the release.
"An emergency has been imposed on my film too", Ranaut, who was recently rapped by the her own party for remarks on the farmers' protests, said.
In Emergency, Ranaut plays Indira Gandhi. The movie reportedly focuses on the anti-Sikh riots that broke out in India following Gandhi's assassination. Gandhi was killed by two of her bodyguards after the military operation 'Blue Star' at Amritsar's Golden Temple.
More to follow...
Published 02 September 2024, 07:46 IST