
Nagaland observes Good Friday

Nagaland Governor R N Ravi and Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio have extended greetings to people
Last Updated : 02 April 2021, 10:55 IST
Last Updated : 02 April 2021, 10:55 IST

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Good Friday, that marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, was observed in the Christian-dominated state of Nagaland with people fasting, and attending special services in churches by following Covid-19 safety norms.

The northeastern state had for the first time, since the formation of the state in 1963, foregone Easter celebration last year due to Covid-19 lockdown. Believers thronged churches for the morning prayer service, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, with the government allowing places of worship to function.

The Nagaland home department in a notification last week had sought enforcement of the existing guidelines and SOPs for preventing the spread of Covid-19 during Good Friday, Easter and other festivals.

To mark the occasion, Nagaland Governor R N Ravi and Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio have extended greetings to people.

"The essence of Good Friday is the victory of good over evil. Truth, non-violence, love, forgiveness and grace are some of the significant attributes of Jesus Christ," the governor said in a message.

He called upon the people, especially the youth, to reflect and imbibe these essential virtues.

The governor also appealed to the citizens to follow Covid-19 protocols at all times.

"On #GoodFriday, we remember the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His unconditional love for us. Light conquered darkness and goodness conquered sin. May #GoodFriday2021 bring new meaning and change in our lives. Wishing all Christians a blessed Good Friday," the chief minister tweeted.

Meanwhile, in view of the pandemic, the Kohima Baptist Pastors Fellowship (KBPF) has cancelled mass Easter Sunrise Service at the picturesque World War-II Cemetery.

The KBPF has requested only pastors to represent their churches at NSF Solidarity Park by following Covid-19 protocols.

Published 02 April 2021, 10:41 IST

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