
'No result from engagement unless Pak abandons terror policy'

Last Updated : 23 June 2011, 15:53 IST
Last Updated : 23 June 2011, 15:53 IST

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"My party's position is that we fully endorse to what we had fully agreed with Pakistan in January 2004... that conditions precedent for any composite dialogue would be Pakistan not allowing its territory to be used for terror," Jaitley told reporters.

"There are others who still see virtues in engagement. The Government of India is at least at the level of Foreign Secretary is engaging them. Some sections of the global community, the United States engages them," he said in response to a question.
"So our expectations from those who are in engagement that the principal purpose of engagement is to enforce what Pakistan has publicly stated.

If we can’t state that then I will keep my figure crossed with regard to the possible outcome of such an engagement," Jaitley, the Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha said.
Noting that Pakistan has not lived up to the commitment it made in January 2004 to not allow its territory to be used against India, Jaitley said: "We believe that for any engagement.... it is extremely important that Pakistan demonstrates that is now moving away from the traditional attitude it had and the role that it had in relation to encouragement to terror from within its own territory"Unless Pakistan shows demonstrable action to convince the international community and India, the outcome of any such engagement which is on with Pakistan be it by India or the US, one is always going to be doubtful about the outcome of that engagement, he said.

"I yesterday indicated (at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based think-tank) that it would depend on what happens within Pakistan and the course that Pakistan now adopts, a more non-radical course, a demonstrable action against terror, can lead to a more positive environment.

But so far evidence of that has not been forthcoming," Jaitley said.Referring to the foreign secretary level talks in Islamabad, Jaitley said he hopes that India would insist on the January 2004 communique with Pakistan that the country fulfills its commitment of not allowing its territory to be used against India.

"And this duplicity of bringing distinction between the State actors and non-state actors is now finally brought to an end because that distinction has increasingly got obliterated.
There is huge evidence now internationally available to that effect and therefore in order for the engagement to result in positive results course correction by Pakistan is absolutely necessary," Jaitley said.

Published 23 June 2011, 15:53 IST

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