
PDP suffers a jolt, LS MP Karra quits

Last Updated : 15 September 2016, 16:41 IST

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PDP, which is struggling to contain the over two-month-long unrest in Kashmir, today suffered a jolt when its founding member Tariq Hameed Karra quit the ruling party and his Lok Sabha seat as well, protesting against "brutal policies" of BJP at the Centre and "complete surrender" of the state government before it.

Karra, who was elected from Srinagar parliamentary constituency in 2014 on PDP ticket, also hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Talking to reporters here, the 61-year-old MP said he has decided to disassociate himself from the primary membership of the PDP and from the membership of the Parliament.
He said he would be submitting his resignation to Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan's office tomorrow after which he would be deciding on the future course of action.

"The decision was tough as I have invested my youth in my party. I was opposing the alliance for last 16 months and I say it with pain that I have failed," he said, adding that he was not resigning out of any "compulsion or convenience but because of conviction".

Karra alleged that Modi has pushed the country towards Hinduisation and turned "Incredible India into Intolerant India"

"The Prime Minister has pushed the country towards Hinduisation and by doing so undermined Indian nationalism which has liberal space and place for diversity built into it.
"Though he couldn't convert his jingoistic promises made during general elections even to the people of Ladakh and Jammu into reality, one must give devil his due for converting highly publicised Incredible India into Intolerant India," he said.

The MP, who was once tipped to head the Jammu and Kashmir government with support of Congress when political stalemate had dogged the state after the death of Mufti Mohammed Sayeed in January this year, alleged that the Central and state governments policies of "unabated genocide", continued denial of the dangerous ground realities, insensitive and adhoc approach towards Kashmir issue led to his resignation.

He also said a blatant policy of dealing with Kashmiris by way of "oppressive, repressive and suppressive measures" adopted by the state and Centre were the other reasons for his resignation.

"My heart is bleeding and my soul is crying for the people of my homeland. My conscience cannot take it any longer," Karra said.

He said PDP was floated in 1999 to safeguard lives, property, honour, dignity, self respect and political aspirations of the people. "But today, in the present tragic circumstances, (PDP) made a U-turn and treated its subjects much worst than the Nazi forces. I feel still continuing with them would be equally subscribing to the administratively inhuman and politically unethical blunders."

He said the PDP was formed to act as buffer between the Centre and the state. "The launch of this new political dispensation was on the premise as facilitators rather than collaborators or obstructionists for the permanent, peaceful and everlasting resolution of Kashmir issue."

"I was forcefully consistent on it so that PDP buffer character would be saved which had blood and sweat of thousands of dedicated and selfless workers in it," Karra said defending his decision to resign after 69-days of unrest in Kashmir in which nearly 80 people have been killed and thousands of others have been injured.

Karra said he is leaving it to the conscience of all other MPs, MLAs and MLCs of his party to decide whether they would like to side with the helpless people or let this bloodshed continue "perpetuated by RSS-drived BJP and facilitated by the PDP."

Lashing out at the Prime Minister, Karra said his "imperialistic methods" have intensified the Kashmir unrest and to only blame Pakistan for the present situation is a self-defeating approach.

"His hand twisting attitude and imperialistic methods towards Kashmir issue and issues of Kashmir added fuel to the fire.

"He lulls into a make-belief world that by blaming only Pakistan he has succeeded in identifying the real cause (of the Kashmir problem). He firmly believes that minus Pakistan there would be no Jammu and Kashmir problem. To my understanding, it is self defeating and not a smart move even in favour of India."

He claimed his foresight about RSS and BJP making inroads and committing "religious aggression" in Kashmir has been vindicated after the state government imposed curfew and locked down major mosques and shrines in the Valley.

"The Grand mosque (Jamia Masjid) of Srinagar was closed and people were not allowed to offer Eid prayers. The last time the grand mosque was closed was in 1819," he rued.  

Published 15 September 2016, 16:41 IST

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