
Politics over corpses is Congress's style: Harsh Vardhan's sharp retort to Rahul Gandhi

Harsh Vardhan also said that Rahul Gandhi trusts New York over Delhi
Last Updated : 27 May 2021, 06:15 IST
Last Updated : 27 May 2021, 06:15 IST

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As India's death toll due to Covid-19 rises due to the second wave, so do jibes among rival parties. On May 26, Rahul Gandhi posted a screenshot of a The New York Times article on scenarios where the Covid-19 death toll may be higher than the official figures.

Rahul Gandhi tweeted, "Numbers don't lie... GOI does."

In retort, Union Minister for Health Harsh Vardhan said that politics over corpses was Congress's style, adding that Rahul Gandhi trusts New York over Delhi.

"Though vultures are flying away from trees, feels like their energy is being absorbed by vultures on earth," the health minister tweeted.

India's Covid-19 caseload stands at 2.71 core, with 3,11,388 deaths, union government's data from May 26 show. But some experts estimate numbers are far higher, due in part to low testing rates in India's hinterlands where Covid-19 cases are spreading rapidly.

(With inputs from Reuters)

Published 27 May 2021, 02:51 IST

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