Amritsar: Customs officials at the airport here said on Friday they seized one lakh cigarette sticks worth Rs 18 lakh from three passengers over the past two days. Separately, at the Attari-Wagah integrated check post, officials recovered utensils containing silver-plated gold from a woman returning from Pakistan.
In the first case, the airport officials intercepted a passenger who arrived from Singapore on Thursday.
During his search, customs officials recovered 55,200 cigarettes valued at Rs 9.38 lakh.
On Friday, another set of officials recovered 51,000 cigarette sticks worth Rs 8.67 lakh from two passengers arriving from Sharjah.
Customs officials said further investigation was underway.
At the Attari-Wagah land route, officials checked the baggage of a woman who was returning from Pakistan. She was coming to Noida.
Tthey found the handles of the utensils she was carrying were made of gold but were silver-plated.
The utensils were seized under the relevant provisions of the Customs Act, 1962.
Further investigation is underway, said the officials.
Published 02 August 2024, 16:53 IST