A Chennai college student who was caught by police in a raid that was carried out on Saturday in hostels at Potheri near Chennai has allegedly died by suicide.
The student allegedly jumped from the fourth floor of a housing society in the Potheri area.
The Tambaram police raided apartments rented out mostly by college students and recovered ganja and other narcotic substances and secured about 19 students for allegedly using the drugs including ganja, police said on Saturday.
The raid was initiated following a tip-off that the students of a private college were purportedly using drugs at Potheri.
About 19 students have been secured, a senior police official said.
About 500 grams of ganja, six ganja chocolates, 20 ml of ganja oil, 5 bhang, 1 smoking pot, 7 hookah machines and 6 grams of hookah powder were confiscated during the raid, the official said.
Published 04 September 2024, 03:21 IST