Chennai: Madras High Court on Thursday quashed an FIR registered by the Madurai Police against Union Minister of State Shobha Karandlaje following her apology to the people of Tamil Nadu for her remarks over the Rameshwaram Cafe bomb blast in March this year.
Justice G Jayachandran quashed the FIR after recording a submission by Advocate General P S Raman that the case can be closed since the minister had apologised for her comments. Karandlaje had in March this year alleged that people who come from Tamil Nadu planted bombs in Bengaluru, while talking about Rameshwaram cafe blasts following which a case was filed against her.
The minister filed an apology before the court expressing regret for her comments.
“Having understood that the comments made by me had hurt the sentiments and feelings of some people of Tamil Nadu, I have already retracted my previous comments and tendered my profound apologies through social media platforms,” she said.
After recording her apology, the court ordered that the FIR against her be quashed.
Published 05 September 2024, 13:14 IST