
Use drones to curb burning of waste in Delhi: NGT

Last Updated : 05 November 2019, 14:08 IST
Last Updated : 05 November 2019, 14:08 IST

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In a bid to curb burning of waste in the city, the National Green Tribunal on Tuesday suggested use of drones to help authorities to easily identify the sites where such incidents take place.

A bench headed by NGT chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel expressed concern over rise in waste burning incidents and noted that as against 5,000 sanitary inspectors, who are tasked to control burning in the city, only 50 are available.

"What is lacking is implementation. People are burning garbage in open, we have seen it with our eyes. Holistic solution to the problem has to be found. Use of technology can be invoked and drones can be put to use for preventing garbage burning," the bench said.

The tribunal also suggested that if the corporations are suffering from manpower crunch, then authorities can employ unemployed youth and civil defense groups by paying them a token amount in lieu of their monitoring services.

It said that the problem of deterioration in air quality is not a creation of just one day, but a result of continuous negligence and apathy in enforcing the law.

There are acknowledged gaps in the existing undesirable situation and enforcement strategies in place.

"The past experience shows the deterioration of air quality in the months of October and November is a recurring phenomenon. It is not difficult to identify the causes and to have advance planned strategies to remedy the same.

"The causes and sources of air pollution may be crop burning, plastic burning, garbage burning, industrial emissions, vehicular emission, construction and debris waste, and pollution caused by crackers. A robust mechanism needs to be planned in the light of expert studies and remedying the failures in satisfactorily handling the situation in the past," the bench, also comprising Justices S P Wangdi and K Ramakrishnan, said.

The tribunal was deliberating on the issue of air pollution in Delhi-NCR after taking cognisance of media reports that air quality has worsened.

The NGT noted that the Supreme Court is already seized of the matter and said it would take up the issue thereafter.

Published 05 November 2019, 14:08 IST

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