Lucknow: Amid speculation that Rashtriya Lok Dal's (RLD) Jayant Chaudhary may join hands with the BJP, senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Shivpal Singh Yadav on Wednesday accused the saffron party of 'creating confusion' and said the former will remain with the I.N.D.I.A. bloc.
"The BJP is doing the work of creating confusion. He (Jayant) is not going anywhere. He will remain with the INDIA bloc with full strength and will do the work of defeating the BJP," Yadav told reporters when asked about the speculation regarding the RLD going to the BJP-led NDA ahead of the Lok Sabha polls.
The Samajwadi Party national general secretary said Jayant Chaudhary will remain with the I.N.D.I.A. bloc and defeat the BJP in the general elections.
"I know Jayant, he is a secular person," he added.
Published 07 February 2024, 09:02 IST