
Nurturing the soul

True being
Last Updated : 03 July 2015, 16:42 IST
Last Updated : 03 July 2015, 16:42 IST

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When you are full of hostility and anger, your body and mind bear the brunt. Bharat & Shalan Savur shed light on how to keep your microbiome beautifully balanced.

While medicine and technology prolong lives, they contribute nothing to the quality of life.

Surviving painfully on the fringes isn’t true living. But there is a solution: Dr Deepak Chopra’s path-breaking programme, Self-directed biological transformation, could turn the tide in our favour.

The main reasoning is if you keep your microbiome healthy with good habits, positive emotions, deep breathing, sufficient sleep, you can forever dance in wellness. So, the microbiome is a massive cluster of bacteria in our gut, brain, skin, lungs, nose, mouth and has a huge  population – it has nine bacteria for every one cell and contains 150 genes for every one gene in our genome.

There’s nothing that the microbiome doesn’t do – from helping digesting food, controlling metabolism and appetite, coordinating the immune system, promoting mental alertness, supporting bone development to even producing natural antibiotics. So, how can you keep the microbiome balanced and healthy?

* Ensure you include probiotics (live bacteria that supports the microbiome - yoghurt, kimchee, pickled vegetables, fermented foods) and prebiotics (carrots, ladyfingers, onion, radish, tomatoes, garlic, turmeric and cinnamon) in your meals regularly.

* Watch your moods, emotions, stress levels, as the microbiome is very responsive and gets inflamed by negativity. If you’re full of hostility and anger, you upset the microbiome balance, create inflammation in your system and spiral into anxiety, depression, acute fatigue, memory loss, brain fog and be beset with headaches, back pains, joint flare-ups.

* Practice this powerful visualising meditation daily: Lie down, close your eyes gently. See yourself in a boat nearing the eternal island of healing. Hear the rhythmic swish of the water as your oars dip and rise. The sun warms your shoulders as you get off the boat, tie it to a stake and lie on the beach. The sand feels warm and supportive against your back. The sun’s golden rays enter through your fingertips and spread all through your body right down to your toes, healing every cell and bacteria and charging them with fresh life-energy. Breathe in sync with the flow and ebb of the ocean. Take three deep breaths. Breathe in fresh oxygen, breathe out toxins. Breathe in love, breathe out anger.

Gently rise and walk to the edge of the shore. Feel the water lap at your feet. The ocean is embedded with corals and minerals that power the water with a great healing energy. Step into the water and relax, letting its energy work in you. Feel all tensions dissolve and a great calmness, beauty, wellbeing surge up in you. When you are ready, wade back to the beach, feeling healthy and glowing. Slide the boat into the water. Climb in and row back home knowing with a great sense of comfort and joy that you’ll be back tomorrow and every day of your life.

Published 03 July 2015, 16:42 IST

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