
Heal from within

Chronic inflammation is a harbinger for a host of more serious ailments
Last Updated 02 July 2018, 21:22 IST

Disease and ill health are unwelcome, and at the heart of a large cluster of diseases dreaded today is a body condition called chronic inflammation that walks up to us on the back foot and displaces our body’s ecology and balance.

Literal to its name chronic inflammation spells just that. The body stays inflamed and unhealed for a long time. The body is in a constant state of battle either trying to repair tissue damage or fighting invasion by foreign bodies or up in arms against harmful bacteria and the external signs are evident. Periodic headaches, gnawing persistent joint aches, the fatigue that just won’t go away, the gas, the bloating, recurring skin issues. Our body gives us a long leash before the onset of any disease, it throws those little signals at us, gnawing but ignorable. Taking ourselves for granted is almost a cardinal skill with the human race and we do just that.

The red lights then come on fast and furious. Listlessness, brain fog, high blood glucose levels, eczema and autoimmune disorders. By now the fear sets in, much harm may have been done but something needs to be salvaged.

Inflammation is actually a blessing in disguise. It is at the helm of the body’s protective immune response and represents the fact that body is capable of healing itself. Recognise this soldier. While his optimal presence makes sure damaged tissue is repaired, his continuing presence indicates danger that won’t go away. This is chronic inflammation or low-grade inflammation. The body cannot be in a continuous state of an onslaught. That’s when it renders itself compromised, exposed, exponentially raising its risk to unwanted conditions that can result in the manifestation of several uninvited lifestyle diseases.


Signs of chronic inflammation can set in an early as 10 years before the onset of an associated disease. The body doesn’t tick the clock all too soon. It gives you a chance to restore your health.

  • Watch out for these signs: recurring pains, fatigue, brain fog, weak immune system, gas, bloating, puffy face and eye bags, intense cravings and mood disorders.
  • Every “body” writes it’s own story, the telltale signs outside simply reflect whether it’s a happy one inside, so don’t ignore it.
  • Chronic inflammation can develop into some of the most debilitating diseases like cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, stroke, Crohn’s, gout and obesity to name a few on a long list.

Many silver linings

Chronic inflammation is reversible. But recovery is not a switch. Depending on the degree of inflammation, your healing might take several months to even a year. But it’s worth your time, your effort and that pivotal change in your lifestyle.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Sleep for at least seven to eight hours at night, don’t use electronic devices half an hour before bed and half an hour on waking up in the morning.
  • Reduce exposure to toxins as much as possible. Switch to paraben-free natural skin and hair care products.
  • Go organic. And how. Through trusted farm sources. Look for authentic sellers. The pesticides/herbicides in your farm and grocery products can play havoc with your gut. Start the switch with the milk and milk products you use, then the eggs, the poultry, the spinach, bells peppers, the apples and so on.
  • Get in touch with yourself. Meditate, release the stress, relax and repeat. Until one day it becomes a habit. Nothing is less, and more means nothing.
  • Get some sunshine and you will smile. Vitamin D is essential for many body processes and plays a significant role in metabolism. Around 10 to 15 minutes in the 8 am sun and a regulated dose of supplemental vitamin D should do the trick.

Here’s what needs to change on the plate:

  • Ditch white sugar. White sugar can be the root cause of serious inflammation. The largest issue today is its deep-rooted connection with damaging gut permeability exposing the gut to unwanted invasions and a disruption of the good bacteria ratio. Moderation is key. Coconut sugar is by far the most valiant substitute.
  • Cut off trans fats. Vanaspati, hydrogenated fats, margarine or products that may contain these like puffs, pastries, cookies, crackers or biscuits.
  • Good fats can lead to good things! Nuts, seeds (chia, melon, flax, pumpkin and sunflower), virgin olive oils, cold-pressed coconut oil and avocados are great additions to your diet.
  • Minimise all processed, refined and bright-coloured packaged foods. Leave the aerated drinks for life hacks. Eliminate them without guilt.
  • If you have been tested for gluten intolerance or lactose intolerance even dreaming about gluten-rich products or dairy is criminal.

Here’s what needs to change on the side:

  • Curcumin is by far one of the most powerful healing agents. When you look for a supplement, make sure you look for one with pepper (piperine).
  • Omega 3 fatty acids containing EPA and DHA have anti-inflammatory properties. Look for a mercury-free supplement.
  • Ginger root, besides easing inflammation, reduces menstrual pain, blocks bacterial infection, could improve brain function and regulates sugar levels.
  • Most bright existing edible foods have a high antioxidant capacity. And spirulina is no exception. It has proven anti-inflammatory benefit too besides being rich in bioavailable nutrients.

Inflammation presses the pedal on ageing. Age-related disorders and tissue damage need not arrive before time. A few radical lifestyle changes can go a long way in ensuring that whatever the length of life that you live be one worthy enough to smile upon.

(The author is a nutritionist and a food coach)

(Published 02 July 2018, 18:30 IST)

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