Karnataka Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre and Union Minister of Heavy Industries H D Kumaraswamy are locked in a slugfest over a prime piece of land in the possession of the public sector undertaking Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT) in Bengaluru. According to Khandre, 599 acres were notified in the gazette as reserve forest in 1896. Of this, 469.32 acres were ‘illegally’ transferred to HMT in 1963 by the Bengaluru district administration, without the land being denotified for non-forest use. HMT, in turn, sold 201 acres to other Union government departments and even to private parties. About 280 acres are still vacant, and Khandre has issued an order to the forest department to reclaim this land, estimated to be worth Rs 10,000 crore. The government had initiated legal proceedings against HMT earlier, and the public sector undertaking had not filed an appeal. State forest department officials unilaterally filed an interlocutory application in the Supreme Court, without the approval of the Karnataka Cabinet, seeking denotification of the land sold by HMT. Khandre has directed that this application be withdrawn. On paper, the entire parcel including areas where buildings are constructed, remains forest land.