
Inner harmony brings happiness

Last Updated : 01 February 2021, 21:04 IST

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There are various hues of harmony in life. Of these, the prominent external ones are conjugal harmony, workplace harmony, relationship harmony, religious harmony, spiritual harmony, social harmony, harmony in nature and so on. However, the most important is inner harmony. While the external harmony concerning a person may lead to inner harmony, there are exceptionally tranquil and spiritually evolved persons who live in harmony independent of the conflicts and complications in the external world.

Inner harmony is nothing but a feeling of peace of mind derived from self-acceptance, acceptance of the people and circumstances around, and acceptance of the past. Overall harmony is equivalent to the simple happiness that we always yearn for. Harmony is a necessary condition for development, progress, fulfilment, overall happiness and survival of both the individual and the group to which he or she belongs to. It unites people in spite of their diversity and prevents enmity, wars and conflicts.

Fortunately, harmony is a choice you can consciously opt for. It is a mental condition than the physical environment you are placed in. You can acquire and sustain your inner harmony simply by embracing an appropriate attitude towards life situations, like:

Become an embodiment of love, kindness and care. Love everyone and everything around you. Accept yourself and all others as they are and do not build expectations about them. Trust in God and honour His intelligence in organizing this world as we see. Do yogasanas, meditate and pray regularly. Contribute your might for the well-being, welfare of all around you. Believe in the law of Karma – as you sow, so shall you reap. Do not allow different opinions to escalate to the difference of opinion. Forget and forgive those who offended you.

If you are still bothered by events occurring in the world outside or tormented by unjust attacks by people around or haunted by unpleasant past memories, just look inwards and find the ever-flowing stream of peace and harmony that is your real self. You will never be disappointed.

Published 01 February 2021, 20:22 IST

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