Today's Horoscope – April 14, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 13 April 2024, 18:33 IST
Property investments will pay off. Look into challenging situations that will test your mettle and abilities. You will have a great deal of insight when dealing with others. Social get-together will bring you in contact with intelligent new friends. Colour: violet Number: 7
Use your inventiveness to find solutions. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues. Colour: Gold Number: 3
You have a lot of mental energy and are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan. Money flow good. You've been in a rut and you need to do something that will help you break the pattern you've fallen into. Colour: white Number: 1
Expect good news and a shift in your career profile which will largely be due to the effort of your hard work. Avoid being too controlling in a relationship and trying to force issues which have to be negotiated. Get in touch with your inner self through meditation, prayer and service. Colour: Scarlet Number: 2
A new friendship can be lasting and supportive. And don’t be surprised if an old friend turns out to be something more! You will work well with groups and institutions. It is advisable to be your creative, romantic self and try you to drop regressive conditional patterns. Colour: Silver Number: 5
Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Time to put your cards on the table, and sort out your goals and priorities. A loved one is not very helpful. Colour: Brown Number: 8
You are upset that those living with you aren't pulling their weight. Avoid indulging in unnecessary arguments, and see what can be achieved without being angry about it. Turn things around, make sure that they do their share. Colour: Pink Number: 6
Take precautions while travelling, the hoary adage, Haste makes Waste, works you know. Today you are hesitating between two possibilities. This has left you in a confused and uncertain state. However, make the decision after consulting a friend. Colour: Ivory number: 4
You have been vacillating about a job offer that has been offered. Take your time before you decide. A relationship has plateaued and you need to discuss with your partner how to infuse some freshness into it. Colour: Purple Number: 2
A sudden burst of energy could invoke unnecessary confrontations at work today. It is very important for you to stay focused today. This a period of transition and on a personal level you are confused and hassled. A good day to relax, unwind and sort out your priorities. Colour: Caramel Number: 7
An associate or friend could turn amour and romance could bloom in a big way. You have been on a roll, but it is time to slow down and devote attention to your health. Travel plans may come unhitched. Colour: Sea-green Number: 8
Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential. Partnerships or collaborations do well. The waxing moon adds enchantment to your mood, and travel plans look exciting. Colour: Topaz Number: 9
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