Today's Horoscope – March 05, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 04 March 2024, 18:46 IST
ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20): You do like to keep secrets, but today you need to be more communicative and put your cards on the table. Your love relationship is getting all lopsided, with you giving and the other taking. Talk about it and share your concerns. Lucky Colour: Aubergine Lucky Number: 2
TAURUS: (Apr 21 - May 21): Try not to evade important issues, you might find yourself backed into a corner with no room for negotiation. Tax rebates, insurance money, gifts make the day financially hefty for you. Lucky Colour: Coral Lucky Number: 4
GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21): You feel that your close ones have not been supportive and feel let-down at some core-level. Sometimes it’s your own expectations that could also be the culprit. People can give you only so much, and the sooner you accept it you can make peace and your relationship can soar, and get healthier too. Lucky Colour: Honey         Lucky Number: 1
CANCER:  (Jun 22 - Jul 22): This is not the time to hide behind your feelings thinking that that a loved one will be offended. Not at all. If you clear the air, it could make way for a better understanding and closeness between you. Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 3
LEO: (Jul 23 -Aug 21): There are new directions for you and you will be recognised for your abilities and talents. Share your winnings and praise with others and be grateful. Your relationships start to improve, so you should no longer feel anxious about being confronted by certain people Lucky Colour: Ivory Lucky Number: 7
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): Today, you will need your wits about you to stay on top of the game. A romantic dinner should take care of the evening. In your rush to complete things, don’t walk over your loved ones. Lucky Colour: Teal Lucky Number: 5
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Today a confrontation with an authority female figure could escalate out of control and could end up as a screaming match So be wary today, and measure your words carefully before you speak. By the end of the day the matter or issue will find a resolution. Lucky Colour: Opal Lucky Number: 8
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22): You are hesitant and weighing the pros and cons of every move you make. Do be confident that you are going to succeed in whatever you plan. Try to go out of your way to make time for your loved one. Emotionally you are moody and withdrawn. Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Number: 6
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): Your sense of humour pulls you through a sticky situation, and lightens the mood all round at work. You are prudent with your money, but this is a good day to indulge yourself in retail therapy. Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Number: 2
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): Today you may get to hear about an investment plan that interests you. A savings scheme is good, but clarify all the pertinent points and read the fine print before you sign on the dotted line. A loved one is elusive, and your nerves are a bit frayed. Lucky Colour: Mauve Lucky Number: 1
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19): You are meticulous in your work, and the plan or proposal you present today will earn you big rewards. Plan your approach wisely and direct your energy wisely. Romance takes a back-seat today as you are so goal-oriented. Lucky Colour: Ivory Lucky Number: 3
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): Try not to let small distractions get in the way of the important task ahead of you at work, when someone tries to side-track you from being objective and attentive. It could be a colleague who may not have your best interest at heart. It's in your best interests to stay as focused as possible. Lucky Colour: Scarlet    Lucky Number: 9
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