12/05/2024 - 18/05/2024
Weekly Horoscope – May 19 to May 25, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 18 May 2024, 18:37 IST
It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform. The sudden changes happening around you are making you uncomfortable. The best approach this week will be to embrace the change in your life. A great week from the perspective of your love/married life as you will be truly happy and will enjoy quality time with your loved one. Advice: Embrace change.
Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery. The recent past has been unkind to you and the sooner you accept things as they are, the better it is for you. Financially speaking, this is going to be a stellar week as good gains are foreseen. Advice: Acceptance is key to happiness.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock. You need to be more diplomatic and tactful at the workplace or else you will find yourself in embarrassing situations. This is not the right time to pick fights or get into arguments with anyone. Nevertheless, this is a good week from the perspective of your financial life as you will make some good decisions. Advice: Be more diplomatic.
There is too much negativity in the world. Do your best to make sure you aren't contributing to it. Of late, you have been thinking too negatively unnecessarily and that is creating mental fatigue. The current phase of overthinking and over-contemplation is not adding any value to your life and the sooner you realise this, the better it will be for you. Advice: Embrace positive thinking.
It is very important to understand why those annoying people annoy you and then figure out where that fits into your world. You might experience some confrontations in your family, and you should ensure that you keep your ego aside and settle the differences. The longer you keep the grudge, the more difficult it will be for you to resolve it. Your good communication will ensure that you not only settle the differences with some people but also resolve some long pending issues in your life. Advice: Avoid confrontation.
When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. This week you should also be very careful about your health and ensure that you do not ignore any health concerns. Eat in moderation as you will also be prone to digestive issues/indigestion. Advice: Take care of your health.
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires. Interpersonal relationships will be in the limelight this week. This is the best time to set aside everything else and ensure that your relationships are prioritised. Be a good listener this week. Advice: Be a good listener.
Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. While you have been extremely empathetic and helpful to others, you are not getting the same in reciprocation. It's high time you segregate wheat from the chaff and choose the people around you. This is going to be a tough week as far as your health is concerned, so take special care. Avoid overthinking. Advice: Avoid overthinking.
Pessimists are usually right, and optimists are usually wrong but all the great changes have been accomplished by optimists. You have been surrounded by pessimists and it is high time you realise the negative impact these people have on your life and motivation. You should keep working hard on your goals without thinking too much about what is being said. Perseverance and hard work are the key requirements this week. Advice: Avoid negative people.
Minds are like parachutes: they only function when open. An open mind and ability to take criticism well are the keys to your happiness this week. Focus more on solutions, rather than problems. This is a very good week from the perspective of your financial life. You will make some good financial decisions, which will ensure a secure future. Advice: Focus on financial life.
Most people regret their words, but never the silence. The animosity that you are surrounded with currently is testing your patience and you should avoid the temptation of reacting. There are very high chances that you will regret your reactions or words. It's important for you to be silent and observe everything meticulously, rather than searching for a befitting reply. Advice: Accept the change.
If the odds are a million to one against something you are fearing, chances are 50-50 it will happen. It's important for you this week to be fearless as you have all the capabilities and skills to overcome any hurdle that life has to offer. Although you will face delays, they will only serve as stepping stones towards future success. Advice: Time to be fearless.
Guruji Shrii Arnav