
Completely disappointed

Last Updated : 11 October 2015, 18:08 IST
Last Updated : 11 October 2015, 18:08 IST

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Disappointment is the first feeling and it is probably inadequate at this time. But as a professional sportsman I have to take it and learn from it to be a better player and I guess I will be better prepared in the times to come. More than anything else I want to be back for 2017 and change the script. Hopefully I will get a chance to redeem myself in years to come.

There is nothing more I would like than to rewind and just change the last ten seconds of it. No, I think it wasn't meant to be. I can't feel too bad because I didn't hit a bad putt; didn't go in. These things are scripted I guess, and I wasn't in the script this time.

I know I am a strong person and I am sure I will come out of this stronger and a better player. Our captain, Nick Price, senior players like Adam Scott, were so encouraging and supportive. He told me to take in a positive way and that I would probably never forget this, but I should learn from it and become stronger.

It has been so amazing a year for me. Two wins at the start, in Malaysia and Hero Indian Open; playing the Majors and a top-5 at the PGA and then the PGA Card. And of course, qualifying for the Presidents Cup. But, now this, but I suppose that putt was not to be.

Someone asked me, what from here? Honestly, I don't have much choice, do I? I'm heading to Macau tomorrow afternoon. This is my profession – one tournament to another. Happiness and disappointments go hand and it is a question of how you deal with them.

Having said, this is certainly not how I would've wanted to have my first Presidents Cup play out. I do feel terrible right now obviously. It's going to be hard for me to sleep tonight, I think. I'm sure the rest of the team is going to help me out with that with the evening's festivities.

Overall, a very disappointing week personally. But, as a team, the internationals played very well. But, obviously very disappointed with how I played. I guess I'll be better prepared next time.

Published 11 October 2015, 18:08 IST

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