
Book Rack

From the world of literature
Last Updated 09 November 2018, 11:41 IST

Unbury Carol

Josh Malerman

Del Rey, 2018, Rs 1,465, pp 384

Carol is a woman with a dark secret. She dies many deaths, they are but spells of coma that last for days. In one of these, her husband buries her alive. Carol must quite literally come back from the dead to save herself.

Born with Wings

Daisy Khan

Penguin, 2018, Rs 599, pp 351

This is a powerful, moving and an eye-opening account of Khan’s inspiring journey — of her self-actualisation and her success in opening doors for other Muslim women and building bridges between cultures. It demonstrates what a woman can do with faith, love, and resilience.

Little Maryam

Hamid Baig

Notion Press, 2018, Rs 225, pp 285

In an international flight, Saadiq Haider is transported back to a past that has never ceased to haunt him. He travels back in time, where every second was
Maryam’s. A little girl who was scared of monsters asked too many questions; Saadiq’s first and only love, who was taken away from him.


Edited by S Sen, D Mitra, S Mukherjee & P De

Harper Collins, 2018, Rs 1,499, pp 399

This book attempts to showcase stories that subvert the idea of a conventional narrative, and tales of the ordinary, autobiographies, travelogues — and through these establish comics as a permanent feature on the reader’s shelf.

Calling Sehmat

Harinder Sikka

Penguin, 2018, Rs 259, pp 256

A young Kashmiri girl gets to know her father’s last wish. She can do little about it but surrender to his patriotism, and turn into a spy for the country. She is married off to a well-connected Pakistani general with a mission to pass on information to India.

The Fuzzy and the Techie

Scott Hartley

Penguin, 2018, Rs 599, pp 301

Hartley heard the terms ‘fuzzy’ and ‘techie’ while studying Political Science in college. You’re a fuzzy if you majored in the Humanities and a techie for Computer Science. The author debunks myths surrounding these labels and shows that the greatest leaders are those who have the depth of human understanding.

Sunita De Souza goes to Sydney

Roanna Gonsalves

Speaking Tiger, 2018, Rs 399, pp 286

A collection of short stories that unearth the aspirations, ambivalence and guilt laced through the lives of 21st-century Indian immigrants to Australia, steering through clashes of culture, trials of faith and squalls of racism.

The Hope Circuit

Martin E P Seligman

Hachette, 2018, Rs 699, pp 432

In this memoir of ideas, spanning the most transformative years in the history of modern psychology, the author recounts how he learned to study optimism. He also tells the stories behind some of the major findings like CAVE, an analytical tool that predicts election outcomes accurately.

(Published 25 May 2018, 10:22 IST)

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