Google earlier this month launched the company's new premium Pixel 9 series phones. Though they come with state-of-the-art computational photography technology, the devices run on a one-year-old Android 14 OS. This is the first time Google failed to roll out the new Android OS along with its new Pixel phones.
Rumours indicated the Android 15 may be released by the end of August or early September, but now, a new report has emerged Google may delay the release of the new Android OS by another month.
The much-awaited Android 15 for Pixel phones is still not ready and the engineers are racing against time to fix some stability issues, reported Android Authority, citing a reliable company insider.
Android 15 is expected to be released around mid-October. However, Google plans to roll out the source code of Android 15 next week. This will help partner OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) to test it on their own Android phones and also be able to release the final version same time as Pixel phones get the Android 15.
This is a good move, as this measure will bring parity among all premium Android phones. But, Pixel phones will get quarterly Pixel Feature Drop updates (every three months), that bring exclusive new features.
Google Pixel 9 series.
Credit: DH Photo/KVN Rohit
List of Pixel phones eligible for Android 15 update:
Google Pixel 6, 6 Pro, 6a, Pixel 7, 7 Pro, 7a, Pixel Tablet, Pixel Fold, Pixel 8, 8 Pro, 8a, Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL and the Pixel 9 Pro Fold.
Key features coming with Android 15:
The new Android 15 promises to deliver improved user privacy security, performance boost, and enhancement in the photography experience on Android phones.
Android 15 will offer support for SMS/ MMS applications as well as RCS (Rich Communication Service) applications to use satellite connectivity for sending and receiving messages on select Android smartphones.
With the Android 15 update, the tap-and-pay feature via Near Field Communication (NFC) will work smoothly on phones.
It also promises to improve the performance and power consumption efficiency of the Android devices.
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