
Putin urges Moscow residents to respect lockdown

Last Updated : 30 March 2020, 15:31 IST
Last Updated : 30 March 2020, 15:31 IST

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Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday urged residents of Moscow to respect the lockdown, saying it was a necessary measure to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

"I ask you to take these forced but absolutely necessary measures... very seriously and completely responsibly," Putin said after regional authorities in Moscow and the surrounding region ordered a strict quarantine.

The order from the Moscow mayor came just a few hours before going into force early Monday, with several regions quickly following suit.

In a televised conference with his representatives in Russian regions, Putin ordered them to inventory hospital beds and ventilators and threatened consequences if national measures are not enforced.

"It's not lack of discipline and common sense, it is criminal negligence," he said of local authorities who neglect to close down entertainment venues.

Published 30 March 2020, 15:31 IST

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