
Sri Lanka president to follow US style media briefing to directly interact with journalists

The media institutions would be asked to name their personnel to attend the briefings at the centre handled by the president
Last Updated : 27 July 2021, 10:11 IST
Last Updated : 27 July 2021, 10:11 IST

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In a bid to stop statements from being allegedly "misrepresented or quoted out of context" by the media, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has set up a US presidential-style media centre that would enable journalists to directly interact with the Sri Lankan leader, his spokesperson said on Tuesday.

Rajapaksa's comments at times have been at the butt of criticism on social media platforms.

"We have followed the US presidential media centre style for its background. The designated media representatives would be given the chance to ask direct questions from the president," Rajapaksa's spokesperson Kingsley Ratnayake told reporters here.

The media institutions would be asked to name their personnel to attend the briefings at the centre handled by the president.

"In the recent past, we have seen that presidential statements had been misrepresented or quoted out of context by the media. This is expected to stop that,” Ratnayake said.

Rajapaksa, 72, is the first non-career politician and the first former military officer to be elected to the highest office in the island nation. He assumed office in 2019.

Meanwhile, the government has announced that it is formulating new laws to tackle the menace of fake news on social media platforms.

There will be laws to ban social media accounts, which spread fake news, Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said recently.

Published 27 July 2021, 10:11 IST

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