Mauled by Rottweiler, Bengaluru woman files case against owners    Pushpa, 43, was attacked by her neighbour's unleashed Rottweiler while out on a walk around 6 am on June 13.
Udbhavi Balakrishna
Last Updated IST
Representative image. Credit: iStock Photo
Representative image. Credit: iStock Photo

A woman bitten by a Rottweiler in Kothanur last month has filed a case against the dog's owners for the severe injuries she sustained and their refusal to provide financial assistance.

Pushpa, 43, was attacked by her neighbour's unleashed Rottweiler while out on a walk around 6 am on June 13. The dog, owned by HMT Rajanna's family, viciously mauled Pushpa without any provocation, causing severe injuries to her right leg, thighs, and lower back.

Rajanna's children Gayatri and Babu came to Pushpa's rescue and rushed her to Victoria Hospital. Doctors advised her three months' rest due to the extent of her injuries.


Pushpa, who works as a daily wage labourer, could not afford the hospital charges. She approached the family and requested Rs 25,000 per month to cover her hospital expenses.

Her condition deteriorated, with her wounds getting infected. She was then referred to Baptist Hospital, where doctors recommended plastic surgery. Struggling to cope with the mounting bills, she reached out to Rajanna and his family, asking them to take responsibility for the harm they had caused.

Pushpa alleged that Rajanna, while initially agreeing to pay the money she requested, began avoiding her calls and gave evasive answers whenever she tried to reach him.

In her complaint, Pushpa noted that the family had promised to cover all her hospital bills if she refrained from filing a police complaint. However, they failed to fulfil their promise. Consequently, she decided to file an FIR with the Kothanur police station on July 12, under IPC sections 289 (negligent conduct with respect to animal) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace).

(Published 14 July 2023, 01:53 IST)