Former minster calls CT Ravi anti-nationalThe former minister said that BJP leaders have been insulting national leaders who had fought for India’s independence
Naina J A
Last Updated IST
BJP national general secretary C T Ravi. Credit: DH Photo
BJP national general secretary C T Ravi. Credit: DH Photo

Former minister B Ramanath Rai termed BJP national general secretary C T Ravi an 'anti-national' for making derogatory remarks against former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the first PM of the country.

Coming down heavily on C T Ravi’s statement on hookah bar, the former minister said that BJP leaders have been insulting national leaders who had fought for India’s independence. However, they are considering Nathuram Godse, who killed Mahatma Gandhi as a patriot, he told media persons.

The BJP leaders failed to remember the sacrifices made by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru for the freedom struggle. While they praise Mahatma Gandhi outside India, here they worship Godse as a nationalist.


Indians enjoy democracy only because of the sacrifices of the freedom fighters, he said.

C T Ravi has failed to support Karnataka when it comes to Mekedatu project. Instead, he is favouring Tamil Nadu. “The BJP calls us slaves of Nehru family, but we are happy for not being slaves of corporate companies like them,” Rai added.

The district administration and state government are responsible for the incident at Kabaka wherein SDPI workers created ruckus over the photo of Veer Savarkar in an Independence Day rally. The district administration should have ensured no untoward incident on the day of Independence Day, he added.

(Published 16 August 2021, 17:46 IST)