Union Minister Subhas Sarkar 'locked up' by own party men in BJP office in BankuraThe incident took place at the party's Nutunganj office in Bankura. A video clip, viral, on social media, showed several young men protesting and raising slogans against Sarkar.
Mohammed Safi Shamsi
Last Updated IST
<div class="paragraphs"><p>A screengrab from the purported video of the incident that took place in West Bengal's Bankura.&nbsp;</p></div>

A screengrab from the purported video of the incident that took place in West Bengal's Bankura. 

Credit: X/ @AITCofficial

Union minister of state for education, and BJP MP from Bankura (in West Bengal) Subhas Sarkar was reportedly locked inside a room at the regional party office, when a group – being claimed to be of party’s supporters – began a protest at the premises.


The incident took place at the party's Nutunganj office in Bankura. A video clip purportedly of the incident went viral on social media, showed several young men protesting and raising slogans against Sarkar. A few of them carried the BJP flag. The protesters, in the slogans, expressed allegiance for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but had defiance for the minister.

A party source claimed that three young men, earlier, had been served show cause notice by the district leadership, as their posts on social media, and activities, reflected anti-party sentiments. One of these three, as being claimed, had earlier been a supporter of a rival political party. The three men were a part of the group that protested. The protesters, however, had their own set of grievances against the minister.

When the central minister arrived at the office, and was holding discussion with a few workers, the group came over, and began raising slogans. The minister remained inside for around two hours. A district leader was roughed up, the source added.

The minister’s security personnel went on to put up a lock, securing the doors, and had it opened when it was safe to do so, claimed a party representative. A section of social media posts, however, went on to claim that the workers “locked up” the minister.

BJP spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya said that the matter was looked into, and the party will react accordingly.

The Trinamool Congress took a dig at the BJP over the incident.

“With each passing day, BJP Bengal is crumbling as infighting is reaching its peak! In Bankura, a vehement clashes erupted, & BJP workers locked Union Minister (of state) Subhas Sarkar in the party office…,” the Trinamool stated on its official handle.

(Published 12 September 2023, 20:37 IST)